Monday, June 1, 2009

The Years Last Blog !

I like the blog better than home reading sheets because I get to use the computer and practice my typing. I like being challenged like Legos the blog makes me think about the stories in new ways. I like being able to describe what I read and use the computer to look up words I don't understand. I also use the computer's voice to read my written blog back to me so I can hear how it will sound to someone reading it and it sounds cool like a robot. I like the idea that the blog lets lots of people read what I am interested in and reading about and they can make comments. 
I get frustrated trying to fit my blog into the format and having to make a prediction before I read the coming back and writing again. I don't understand why my blog comments aren't correct. I would like to read my stories, describe them and the parts I did and did not understand. It would also be more fun if I could make changes to how a story is written using my own ideas.  
I am planning on using Blogging this summer to keep in touch with my friends and I don't think I would be doing that if I hadn't learned to Blog. 

Sunday, May 10, 2009


I am reading Star Wars by James Kahn. I predict that in this chapter R2-D2 and C-3PO are stuck inside  Jabba's  palace and have to be rescued . I know some of my prediction is correct because in this chapter  a bounty hunter brings Chewbacca to Jabba as a prisoner to collect the bounty. When the bounty hunter is talking to Jabba C-3PO is standing next to Jabba translating. I know that C-3PO would not voluntarily work for Jabba. R2-D2 is not in the room and is almost always with C-3PO. 
When I was done reading I had an answer to my earlier question about C-3PO's emotions. In the chapter is says C-3PO is startled when Jabba yells at him.  One question I had is how does Jabba's trap door work? In this chapter before the bounty hunter gets there it says Jabba pressed a button which slid his platform back revealing a trap door which drops victims to a vicious monster. A word I had trouble with is squarely.  I looked it up and it means directly. 

Sunday, May 3, 2009


   I am reading Starwars return of the Jedi by James Kahn. I predict that R2-D2 and C-3PO go inside Jabba's palace to deliver a message from Luke Skywalker then Jabba does not let R2-D2 or c-3po leave so Luke has to rescue them. I know this because I have seen the movie and in the movie R2-D2 and C-3PO went into Jabba's palace and did the same thing.
   After I was done reading I had some questions the first one is how dose Jabba move? He moves like a slug.My second question is since C-3PO is a robot does he have emotions?Yes because you do not have to be alive to have  emotions.I also had trouble with the word apprehensively. I found out that it meant nerves.           

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Light Sabers in the Desert

   I'm reading STAR WARS RETURN OF THE JEDI by James Kahn. I predict that in this chapter Obi-Won builds a light saber and goes into the harsh Tatooine desert and Luke Skywalker finds Obi-Won stranded  in the desert.
   After I was done reading I had some questions. The first one is why is 3P-O  so worried all the time? Because he's just a protocol droid and not built for battle.
My second question is what can R2-D2 do? He can squirt oil, fly with little jets, zap you, has a little chain saw and small hidden arms.
I had trouble with the word affixed. I asked my parents and they said that it means attached. I also looked it up in the Apple dictionary and it said the same thing.     

Monday, April 20, 2009

home, sweet, home

   I'm reading Magic Tree House Civil War on Sunday by Mary Pope Osborne.I predict that in this chapter Jack and Annie come back home and find a note that says  they have to come back to the tree house on Wednesday for another mission.    
   After I was done reading I had some questions the first one I had was why did Jack and Annie ask about the drummer boy? Because they thought he was a relative.My second question is was the drummer boy a Union or Confederate solder?He was a Union solder. I was having trouble with the frays ,He looked puzzled,I asked my dad he said it meant  confused.   

Sunday, March 29, 2009

Keep low!

   I am reading Magic Tree House Civil War on Sunday by Mary Pope Osborne. 
I think that in this chapter Clara Barton gets shot  by a musket and injured and that Jack and Annie help her back to camp.  I wonder if her wagon was damaged by a shell from a cannon? Do the horses drawing the wagon get spooked and run off? 

     When I was done reading I had some questions.
Was the gun used was an accurate rifle or an older type smooth musket?
I think it was a modern rifle since no one noticed any soldiers nearby so the shot came from far away. 
Was the wagon Clara was driving strong or weak?
I think it was strong since it had to go through battlefields. 

     When I first saw the word "wounded" I had trouble pronouncing it.


Sunday, March 22, 2009

civil war

   I'm reading Magic tree house Civil War on Sunday by Mary pope Osborn.I predict that Jack,Annie and Carla Barton go out to the battle field and help some wounded soldiers then bring them back to the field hospital for treatment.I think This because Carla Barton is also called the angel of the battlefield.
    After I was done I had some questions the first one I had was way is the drummer boy so important to the war?because the drum is used to give certain commands to soldiers such as when to eat, how to do something or stay together during a smoke fight.My scened question is what is heat stroke?A life threatening fever that sends you to the hospital.I had trouble with the word Musket.I figured out that it is a old~fashioned gun. 

Sunday, March 8, 2009


   I'm reading the MAGIC TREE HOUSE #21 CIVIL WAR ON SUNDAY by Mary pope Osborne.I predict that this chapter is going to be about Jack & Annie going into badle helping the Union soldiers fight off Confederate soldiers.I wonder if someone is killed in this chapter because thousands of people come in and died in this war.
    After I was done reading I had some questions. The first one I had was why did Jack talk softly to the wounded soldier? because he did not want to upset him. the second question I had was  
   is it hard being a war nurse?Very hard. You comfort,feed,shelter&medical assistance (lots of it). 
I had trouble with the word Confederate. it means the south side of the civli war.(aka the bad guys).

Thursday, February 26, 2009


    I am reading MAGIC TREE HOUSE CIVIL WAR on SUNDAY by Mary Pope Osborne.I predict that this book is going to be about Jack and Annie going back in time to the Civil War on a mission for their magical friend Morgan. The reason I think this is because I have read other Magic tree house books before  and they all involve Jack and Annie going through time and space on missions for Morgan.I'm wondering if Jack or Annie will get hurt in this book because it's in a war and their is a bunch of canon balls and bullets flying everywhere!!
    When I finished reading I had some questions and the first one was why did Jack and Annie go back to the Civil War?I figured out that they had to fined ''something to follow." The next question I had is why did Jack want to know about slavery?I inferred that Jack wanted to know how they treated the slaves.I had trouble with the sentence ''She had beads of sweat on her face." 
I inferred that it meant droplets of sweat on her face.        

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Cam & T~POPS

I'm reading CAM JANSEN and the triceratops pops mystery by David A. ALDER.I predict that Cam and her friend Eric are off to buy the CD of Cam's favorite band the T~POPS.

After I read I had a few questions
*why does Eric like ice cream so much?
because he has a sweet tooth.
*what does alphabetical order mean?
organized  alphabetically.

Monday, February 16, 2009

Who's gonna do it?

I'm reading CAPTAIN UNDERPANTS III by Dav  Pilkey. I predict that George & Harold do something really bad and get in trouble with Mr. Krupp the principal then go on an adventure with CAPTAIN UNDERPANTS!!! [A.K.A. Krupp]. 
I wonder if Krupp will figure out the identity of Captain Underpants? Are the lunchroom zombies really from outer space? 

After I read five chapters I had a few questions that I wanted answered. 
Is the science teacher going to a Doctor's appointment or is he just saying that? What does "elementary" mean? I looked up "elementary" in the Apple dictionary. It means something that is at it's simplest.

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Blogging with Dad

My Dad let me BLOG from home on our big  old computer. The computer may be old and have a few cracks in it,but I still like it.

Friday, February 6, 2009

legos rock! yo!

My first home reading post will be here by friday.